30 May 2010


Just leave a little room for imagination to keep the mystery alive. Facile and vain women live long rich lives. But, “being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men,” said Joseph Conrad.

It is easier to play the game. To affirm the femininity encourage the creativity.

26 May 2010

Creativity and travelling

Suddenly I realize that creativity is the main theme of my life. Together with close friends all the good ideas come into existence. While you are talking about dreams and adventures, new ideas and thoughts arises how to live your life. And I just love it. Even though not all the dreams come true, it forces you to make the best out of the process – so called life.

I will not repeat the same patterns; I will use all my resources to plan for the next journey, the next round trip, the next dinner party and the next meeting. I used to believe I was rootless not being pleased with status quo. Now I love the drive to investigate in new cultures, new ways of living, new travel destinations and new activities. I am well favoured to have all these options. I want to use all my senses completely. Life is full of colours and forms, flavours, music and tactile senses touches your heart. Only the sky is the limit. Jippi!

13 May 2010

Enjoyment - njutning

You meet people who forget you. You forget people you meet. But sometimes you meet those people you cannot forget. Those are your friends.

Friendship is enjoyment. A friend is somebody giving tired shoulders a massage, someone to drink a glass of wine together with and someone to visit a consert together with. Close friends are the lighter sides of life. The sunshine and the stars.

12 May 2010

Cat lover - kattälskare

He walks into your life. And he becomes fully predominant. How did this happen?

An enthusiastic cat lover, love to point out cats in many different ways. Posting cats is one fun way to share your cat stories of their day-to-day antics. But for me it´s the well recognized fascinating qualities transmittable on human beeings. The affection, the purr and the welcoming whenever you come home, whatever status you are in – feeling down or up. My ragdoll cat Jazzie just makes the day.

9 May 2010

Newly awakened - nyvaknad

Since I was five years old I knew what to become. I wanted to become an acrobat at a Russian cirkus. For some reason this did not happen. But...

Yesterday is history
Tomorrow is mystery
Today is a gift
that´s why it´s called the present

This is my motto. I love meetings, and I love to meet people. Life is full of care - I have no time for waiting until things happen. I will try to make things to happen. I enjoy living most of the times. And if you cannot get bored, angry, tired and sad - you cannot love, be happy and feel passion either. All experiences are good, even the bad ones. That´s what all is about...